• What are tooth erosions?

    What are tooth erosions?
    Zahnerosionen sind Zerstörungen der Zahnoberfläche durch Säureeinwirkung und ohne Beteiligung von Bakterien. Säuren können selbst den härtesten Zahnschmelz zerstören. All­ge­mein denkt man, dass Zu­cker der gröss­te Feind der Zäh­ne ist, aber dies trifft nicht im­mer zu. Auch Säu­ren kön­nen auf Dau­er ir­re­pa­ra­ble Scha­den an Zäh­nen ver­ur­sa­chen. Ne­ben den be­kann­ten Zah­ner­kran­kun­gen, wie Ka­ri­es und Par­odon­ti­tis, rückt ei­ne neue, bis­her we­nig be­ach­te­te Er­kran­kung der Zah­no­ber­flä­che zu­neh­mend...
  • Dental health affects our bodies

    Dental health affects our bodies
    Did you know that sick teeth can also make the whole organism sick? Teeth are not an individual isolated unit in our body, but very deeply and closely connected with the rest of the organism. Thus, diseased teeth and inflamed gums can harm the whole body, because our teeth are connected to the whole body through the nerves and blood vessels.Bacteria and their toxins,...
  • The Biological Injustice: Why do women have worse teeth than men?

    The Biological Injustice: Why do women have worse teeth than men?
    As a dentist, I am happy about every patient who comes to my practice with healthy teeth. And this especially with women, because the burden of the "small difference" in dental health accompanies them throughout their lives. According to the results of the market research institute YouGov, for 74% of women, dental care and oral hygiene is important, for men it is only 59%....
  • The spit is gone! What saliva flow has to do with dental health

    The spit is gone! What saliva flow has to do with dental health
    Spit or saliva has a decisive influence on our dental health. How and in what form is the topic of this blog. This multifunctional universal fluid has amazing capabilities.It is rightly said that digestion begins in the mouth. The amylase contained in saliva breaks down starch into usable sugars for the body. And this is just one of the other ways in which saliva...
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