Teeth whitening - What needs to be considered?

Some bleaching products on the market, whether home use or practice, must not be used on exposed tooth necks. Evaluations of "home solutions" have shown that depending on the duration of application, concentration and acidity, damage to tooth enamel can occur. Bleaching agents with a low pH value and agents with a high concentration of hydrogen peroxide proved to be particularly problematic.

The problem for users is that damage to tooth enamel is not immediately noticeable. This is because the changes begin in the microscopic area. Macroscopically, the irreversible damage becomes visible only after a considerable time. If the tooth surface appears dull, then demineralization of the teeth by cauterization has already taken place. In this case, a remineralizing toothpaste is generally recommended.

Temporary hot-cold sensitivity or irritated gums are not an immediate indication of incipient damage. These symptoms are reported by about one fifth of users at the beginning of a bleaching treatment. Fluoridation following bleaching reduces this sensitivity, which disappears after about 24 hours. In any case, talk to your dentist.

What types of bleaching are there?

Below you will find an overview of the most common methods:

Home bleaching
The most common method for whitening discolored teeth is home bleaching using a bleaching tray. The dentist makes the bleaching trays for the upper and lower jaw individually and precisely. The patient fills these trays with bleaching gel before going to bed and wears them overnight. This procedure is very safe and usually works well. In most cases, a clear result is visible after only 4 to 8 applications. The gel can be re-purchased at any time and the bleaching repeated if necessary.

Power bleaching
Power bleaching is the "express method" for whiter teeth. After a thorough cleaning, the dentist applies a bleaching agent to the teeth. This is a highly concentrated preparation. Its active ingredient is activated by light or heat. The bleaching process can be accelerated by irradiation with polymerization light or laser, because no patient wants to spend hours in the dentist's chair. For patients with a very sensitive gag reflex, this method can be more comfortable than wearing the trays overnight.

Walking bleaching
Walking bleaching is the royal road to whitening dead teeth. For this purpose, a visually invisible hole is drilled into the tooth and any discolored material is removed. The dentist then applies the bleaching agent to the tooth. It must be changed after a few days. Once the desired degree of whitening has been achieved, e.g. after one week, the tooth is sealed.

Instant whitening
A real innovation in the field of bleaching is the so-called tooth snow for the Instant Whitening procedure. The application is very simple: the tooth snow is simply sprayed directly onto the teeth and is used like an ordinary toothpaste. Otherwise? Nothing! No water, no splint. Nevertheless, an optical improvement is immediately visible and with regular use, the teeth are progressively and permanently whitened without becoming sensitive. I was initially very skeptical. But the results proved me wrong.

How does Instant Whitening work?
As with all teeth whiteners, the bleaching ingredient gradually breaks down deep-seated discoloration. Among the special features of tooth whitening are its proportions of nano-hydroxyapatite. This substance is also a component of our tooth enamel. Therefore, it adheres particularly well and fills the smallest defects and irregularities with each application. It repairs the tooth surface, making it smoother and more flawless every time. You can feel this when you glide your tongue over your teeth. The teeth get a pearlescent effect. This preparation is also recommended for highly sensitive and exposed tooth necks, because it closes open dentin canals. The immediate optical effect is created by a special light filter. I was so enthusiastic about this innovation that I introduced it to all my patients and I do not want to withhold it from you. I have named the product SNOW SHINE; it is available here directly in the store.


SNOW PEARL SNOW SHINE Whitening Foam - more beautiful teeth instantly

The immediate effect and ease of use are unbeatable and this in the course of optimized dental health. In addition, the strengthening of teeth and dental health is supported by sodium fluoride in the foam: calcium particles coat the teeth with an acid-resistant calcium fluoride layer, which prevents the proliferation of caries bacteria.

You can simply spray the foam pure into your mouth and use it like a regular toothpaste. The fine foam wraps itself around the teeth and also in the spaces between them. After use, you can simply spit out any excess foam. It is not necessary to rinse the mouth afterwards.

Continuous whitening with SNOW SHINE
The proportion of hydrogen peroxide is only 0.1 percent! This minimal but indispensable amount of hydrogen peroxide gently starts a process of progressive decomposition and oxidation of the pigments in the tooth. Regular use of SNOW SHINE Whitening Foam will continuously whiten teeth.

Do you have any questions? Then write to me!
I am happy to answer your questions.

Yours, Lorenza Dahm

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